PVEF and PVUSD Innovator of the Year Awards

The certificated and classified staff that that Pajaro Valley Education Foundation in collaboration with Pajaro Valley Unified School District honored this year are innovative, not because they used the best, fastest, easiest tool, though some of them have integrated technology incredibly. They are innovative because they thought critically about their work and then they showed up. Again and again. And their work was noticed. And their work matters. Thank you.

Thanks also to the team of District personnel who worked counteless hours into this event. As well as the administrators tho took the time to reflect on their nominations. 

District Innovators of the Year

Name Site Position
Joe Manildi and Doug Demuth Aptos High Science Teacher / Department Chairs
Yolanda Sumano Freedom Custodian
Paul Dias HA Hyde Music Teacher
Elizabeth Mejia-Muñoz District Office Human Resources
Amais Arreola Muro Lakeview Middle Opportunity Specialist
Ute Gillett Renaissance High ELS
Amanda Bishop Rolling Hilss Middle Social Studies Teacher
Katie Freels Technology Innovation Coach
Deborah Berkson Freedom, Starlight Elementaries and Diamond Tech Institute Technology
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